

Patti brings her energy and passion to her audience by interacting and presenting information in a way that is engaging and easy to understand. Patti confronts girls culture, both the positive and the negative, and offers advice on how to make the world safer and more girl-friendly. She consistently receives rave reviews for empowering parents and young people alike to change the way they look at relationships and bullying and giving them concrete strategies for change.

Relational Aggression- Patti routinely speaks to both girls and their parents about developing strategies to help girls stand up for themselves. Her workshop is skill based and gives particapants re-world skills they can use immediately to reduce the impact of bullying and work toward eradicating it altogether.

Body Image—Our culture bombards girls with media that sends the message that body comfort is only for a select few. Patti challenges THIS notion in her dynamic and inspiring workshop on helping girls develop a positive body image. Concrete strategies offer girls an alternative to slipping into the negative talk of their peers.

Audiences have included Mothers and Daughters, Parents, Professionals as well as girls 8-14

Key Note Addresses

Patti is an experienced and affordable speaker, She has delivered Key Note Addresses on the topics of Bullying in Schools, and Bully Prevention, Empowering Families, Fostering emotional Well-Being in Families, Friendship and Parenting. Please contact Patti at for more information.

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